Thursday, November 22, 2007

iR Shell 3.8: now with PSOne 2-Player Adhoc support

Unlocking your Sony PlayStation Portable's fullest potential through leaps and bounds is what the PSP homebrew community does best, and developer AhMan comes forth to spearhead the revolution with the latest version of his legendary application, iR Shell v3.8. Now sporting a new look, PSP Slim & Lite support, as well as a host of other useful upgrades, this little piece of homebrew should easily prove its worth as a keeper on your handheld's memory stick.

Let's look at the changelog and see what's new from the previous version:

* Supports the latest M33 firmwares across both Phat & Slim. Slim users can choose among 3.60M33, 3.71M33-1 to 3.71M33-3.
* PSOne 2-Player Adhoc Support.
* Introduces a new Context Menu System. Functions (plugins) under context menu will always be available to all file types, similar to the right mouse menu click under Windows.
* Added a new Multi-tasking PRX Plugin System. This allows user written PRX Plugins for iR Shell to multi-task with another game/app. The included PRX HTML/Text Viewer developed by korDen allows you to view HTML & Text documents while playing games or homebrews..
* With the help from Dark_AleX, support to M33 & NP9660 No UMD Modes have been added. NetHostFS & UsbHostFS are also available for the No UMD modes.
* Added support to the latest Popsloader for 3.71M33-3 by Dark_AleX.
* Allow random start of MP3 for the alarm clock function, so you'll be greeted with different tunes each morning.
* Added the options to put your PSP to auto-sleep while idle to save battery.
* Allows you to press Hot-Key to turn off/on all LEDs. The annonying memory stick or WiFi LEDs will no longer distract you from watching your favorite video/movie.
* Support TV-Out for Slim via component cable.
* Added the display of volume bar for PSP main volume in iR Shell.
* plus numerous bug fixes.

A few key details about this version: all the features of iR Shell v3.8 you'll be able to use on the original Sony PlayStation Portable will also be usable on the Slim & Lite model, with the exception of Infra-Red remote. This new version also marks the beginning of AhMan's sabbatical from the homebrew scene - but he does note that if there are any critical bugs with this version, he will try to fix them up before release.

[Via : Q.J.]

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