Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tricked out two-in-one PSP mod by F00 f00

AcidMods site member F00 f00 isn't called the veritable god of PSP customization for nothing. His latest PSP mod puts together not one, but actually two mods into one handheld.The rig consists of carefully adding additional LED points from the original, with the note key
switching the indicator from mem to power to WiFi. A second mode changes the LED scheme to a light blue with a variation for a pulsing effect tied in with the headphone amp.The color switching itself is handled by a PIC microcontroller embedded into the handheld.
But enough technical jargon - simply put, this mod turns your PSP into a wicked handheld complete with all the mood lights and effects that you could ever look
for.F00 f00 mentioned that he will be putting the unit on sale through
coolmods.co.uk some time next week, so people who want to get their hands on this hot item should keep their eyes out for it. In the meantime, why not tide yourselves over with the video of this tricked out PSP we have below.

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